Gathering evidence is separate from analyzing evidence. Teams making sense of information must also pause to construct equity-centered insights.

Interviews and other evidence-gathering methods will generate learning on their own, but it is crucial that teams pause to reflect upon and analyze the information they gather. Equitable decision making in later stages of the work requires that teams take an equity pause and generate credible insights from what they heard or observed.


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There are many rich approaches to analyzing interviews. The “Plan and analyze interviews” tool from the Interviews section above offers a simple T-chart:

Insight from interviews (add as many rows as needed) Quote from stakeholder or evidence from another source that supports this insight

When using a T-chart like this, it’s fine to record insights and then back those up with quotes from interviews and other evidence, or group quotes together and then summarize them with an insight. Insights your team generates should connect to what you actually heard from stakeholders.


The CityBridge team has supported teams analyzing evidence for years and can recommend these additional tactics on how to facilitate this step:

Learning standards: TTP2, TTP3